Woman types at a computer.

My Languages

Here is a collection of languages I have made. Some are for programming in, and some are for other purposes. My esolangs page may be found here This page only shows highlights.


Foreach is an esoteric programming language where the only control flow is for-each loops and function calls. The documentation and interpreter may be found here .


Bleh is a functional esolang about pattern matching bitstrings. The documentation may be found here .


Cast is an esoteric programming language where the only operation is unsafely casting user-defined types between eachother. The language ended up being a strange form of functional programming. The documentation and interpreter may be found here .

DiamondFire Object Notation

DFON is very similar to JSON in syntax. It is intended to be a way for DiamondFire plots to easily represent and compile constant data. The documentation and compiler may be found here .


Tupilled is an esoteric programming language I co-designed, where the only datatype is tuples and lambda expressions. It is inspired by functional programming principles. The documentation may be found here .


Bullshit is an esoteric programming language designed to be completely horrible, but not impossible, to work with. The documentation may be found here .